Carlos Arnaldo, PhD
Permanent Researcher
Is a Demographer with over 20 years of teaching and research experience in population and health issues. He holds a PhD in Demography, a Master`s in Population Studies and a degree in Geography. His research has covered population issues, particularly those related to demographic analysis and estimation, proximate determinants of fertility, fertility, reproductive health, marriage and family planning and he has been involved in several research projects in the field of HIV and AIDS in Mozambique since 2003. He has been a member of the Multisectoral Technical Group to Combat HIV and AIDS in Mozambique since 2003 and was a technical advisor to the POLICY Project in the area of HIV and AIDS between 2004 and 2009. His research capacity and mastery of quantitative and qualitative research methods in population and reproductive health issues, as well as experience in the Multisectoral technical group to combat HIV, where he applied his demographic knowledge to health issues (HIV epidemic), in estimating and presenting these estimates in an accessible way for policy makers will be fundamental for the pursuit of CEPSA`s objectives. Arnaldo also has extensive experience in research management acquired when he held the position of coordinator of several research projects, research units as well as in the directorates of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Center for African Studies, at Eduardo Mondlane University. ORCID
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